Saturday, August 30, 2014

Where Eagles Soar - A Glimpse

Where Eagles Soar is finally available for readers! For those of you who haven't gotten a copy yet, I'd like to give you a glimpse of what you'll find inside the cover. 

Chapter One
Page One

     My people were story tellers. My dad was a story teller. And I’m a story teller too. But more than that, I am a truth teller. I know about life and death, hope and desperation, riches and bankruptcy. A bankruptcy of the soul, and the beauty of God and his truth—how it shines when it is held up alongside the twisted, ugly lies of the Evil One.
      Sometimes the way we begin our life has little to do with where we end up or who we become along the way.
      And sometimes it has everything to do with it.
      There are people in this world who walk around all scarred up inside—angry and never able to find their way. But for some, scars make them stronger and show them a better way to live.
      I’m one of those. And I want to tell you my story.
      Most of my life I lived in a muddle of love and brutality, raging inside. Mama was good and kind and her life was one of sacrifice. Daddy didn’t know how to love. He only knew how to get what he wanted. And no one had better ever get in his way, not even family.     
     Living with ruthlessness can turn a person sour, like milk left out in the heat too long. That was me. But I learned I could be better, only it took a great God, a lot of years, and a miracle to show me the way. 


Where Eagles Soar is a true story. I want you to meet Lily ... to know her, and so I wrote this tale as if she is sitting across the table from you and telling you about her life.

I hope you'll get a copy of this powerful tale. It could change ... everything.

Grace and peace to you from God,


Where to buy the book:

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