How many of you like the word SUBMIT? Come on, be honest. I admit right here in front of God and everyone -- I don't like it. I understand its importance. And even when I'm living a submissive life, rebellion niggles at me.
Why? I'm always asking why. When I was a child, I'm sure I drove my parents mad with all of my "why" questions.
God is good and He understands my need to know why. I can count on Him. He always answers me. Just this week, during Bible Study the topic of submission came up. God's way of addressing my "why" question? Possibly. :-)
The world has distorted the meaning of the word SUBMIT. The enemy is at the core of this distortion. He tosses lies at us and in the barrage we must know the truth if we're to recognize the lie. Like many others I've accepted distortions, including this one.
During our study time on Tuesday I was reminded that throughout his life Christ submitted to The Father. In the Garden of Gethsemane, the night before His arrest, Christ set before us a perfect and exquisite picture of true submission. He fell to the ground and prayed, "Abba Father, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will." Christ knew what awaited Him at the hands of those who hated Him. He understood not just the physical torture he would endure, but the spiritual weight of the world's sin that would be placed upon Him as well the separation between Him and His Father that must occur. He and the Father are one. How excruciating that one and only time of separation must have been. Yet, Jesus said yes to all that was required of Him. He submitted to His Father's will.
SUBMIT is a word of excellence. God's divine imprint. Christ submitted to His Father, the Holy Spirit submitted to the Father and the Son. The Church honors and submits to its leaders. A wife submits to her husband (who is to love her as Christ loved the church), and children submit to their parents. We submit to the authorities. God's imprint is everywhere.
What happens when we refuse to submit? The world tells us that life is all "about me". Me. Me. Me. Take a look around. How do you think that's working out?
God's divine imprint is all about relationship. The kind of relationships that honor God, family, friends and leaders. Submission brings order and peace. And our Father is the God Head whom we submit our lives.
Honor Him. You'll like it. I promise.
Grace and peace to you from God.
Beautifully written, Bonnie. Submission is a controversial subject isn't it? Especially when you are talking to non-believers. They just don't get how freeing submitting can be.
ReplyDeleteNow, does that mean I happily submit every day of my life? Uh -- not so much. I wrestle with it all the time but when I 'get' it and pray 'thy will be done' and mean it -- wow -- what a release and a joy! You'd think that would make it easier to do the next time...but nope, I'm just too ornery!
Kav, you're right. Submitting is freeing. And the orneryness you mentioned -- I'm well acquainted.
ReplyDeleteBless you!