Friday, October 12, 2012

Thoughts For Today -- A New Day

The morning is young. It's a new day. As I sit here, considering what the Lord has for me on this day my heart fills with gratitude.

When I got out of bed this morning, my husband was already finishing up the dishes left from last night and he made coffee, just for me. He's such a good man!

I poured myself a cup of coffee and wandered over to my daughter's house. I shared time with her and two of my grandchildren. What a blessed way to begin the day!

I returned home--showered and dressed and then spent quiet time in God's Word where he assures me that "His promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over." What an awesome God we have!

I'm ready to go to work on my present book, where the  true-life story of an extraordinary woman continues to surprise and uplift me.

It's only ten o'clock AM and already I've received more blessings than I deserve. I don't know what the rest of the day will hold, but I know God will be with me.

I hope you've had a good morning. What are your plans for the day? Can you share any special blessings in your life?

Grace and peace to you from God,



  1. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I'm glad you had a good day. Must live close to your daughter. Nice! I am waiting for the arrival of one of my many blessings. Another great-grandbaby due just any time. Glad she lives near enough for me to get to see the baby. She has 4 already. This will make 19 for me. I love babies, but would love to see all of them more. I have 3 I've never got to hold living in OKC and Texas panhandle. That's out of 7 that I don't see now that I don't travel out of town. God has blessed me many times. GOD bless! Maxie

  2. Yes, Maxie, my youngest daughter lives right next door. She has three children. I love living close to family.

    How wonderful that you have so many grandchildren and great grandchildren. If you were all to get together that would make a houseful. I pray you'll get to spend time with some of those you haven't seen.

    May the Lord bless you more and more.

