Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tips for triumphant living -- Be a winner.

On my 56th birthday I received a touching card from my youngest daughter. The gist of the card was that I’d always been there when she needed me. It mentioned circumstances like when she needed someone to lift her spirits, encourage her dreams, give her a gentle push, do a favor, give a pat on the back or a reassuring word, or offer a bit of advice. She wrote that she couldn’t remember a time that I’d let her down. Even now, the thought of it warms my heart.

Of course, I have let her down. I’m human. But there is One who will always be there for us, One who truly will never let us down, our Lord. Knowing that He’s there to offer Himself in whatever way I need makes me feel stronger, more courageous.

If we remember His presence through the good times and bad we can never really fail. Taking Him with us through all circumstances makes us winners every time.

Grace and peace to you from God,


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