Travel is a mixed bag for me. I love to get out and see the beauty and diversity of this country. And even better, spend time with loved ones who live far away. But ... and that's a big but, it's not easy for me to actually do it. Travel is hard on my body - it's painful.
Sometimes in the days preceding a trip I get anxious. There are mornings when I wake and my first thought is fear and I wonder how I'm going to do it this time. And though my physical condition does keep me from some destinations, I am determined to get out and enjoy being on the road. I never go alone. The Lord is always with my husband and me. We count on His protection and care. And He assures us that there is nothing too difficult as long as we keep our hand in His.
Months ago, Greg and I made plans to travel to our son's home in Southern California and then head out together for the Grand Canyon. My emotions were a mix of excitement and trepidation. I needed my praying friends. I can always count on them.
Covered in prayer, off we went.
Mount Shasta
Shasta Lakes and another view of Mount Shasta.
Love that part of Northern California.
It is a gift to travel with my husband. I'm thankful we can still do that together. It's so much fun to see new places and to revisit some of our favorite locations together. And no matter whether it is a well known place or something new, God never lets us down. His inspiring creation is every place we go.
Determined not to hurry, Greg and I took our time - three days to Temecula, California. How wonderful it was to put my arms around my loved ones - our son, daughter-in-law and grandson. We are blessed to have them in our lives.
We parked our well-used RV on the street in front of their house in an upscale neighborhood. Had to wonder what the neighbors thought. 😉
We stayed for a few days, then together we set out for the Grand Canyon. Cy, one of our grandsons, was so excited. He'd never been camping before. His big smile and fun antics were worth every mile traveled, every expense. I still smile when I think of him. Love stays with us.
Ready to go!
The trip across the country was easier on me than I expected. Thank you prayer warriors! Thank you Lord!
It is always thrilling to set out on highways we've never driven. My husband and I almost always end up in conversations about the early explorers and pioneers and what it must have been like for them. I can't imagine the courage it took all those years ago.
It is always thrilling to set out on highways we've never driven. My husband and I almost always end up in conversations about the early explorers and pioneers and what it must have been like for them. I can't imagine the courage it took all those years ago.
We traveled from Temecula to the Grand Canyon in one day. It was a long day and the temps in Arizona hovered at 105 degrees. We've been enjoying the cooler Fall temperatures here in Oregon so that was an adjustment. The seemingly endless miles of desert were stark, stunning and spectacular. I loved it.
We were grateful to pull into the Grand Canyon Park that night and crawl into the comfy bed in our RV.
We were grateful to pull into the Grand Canyon Park that night and crawl into the comfy bed in our RV.
The next few days were full of family fun, discovery, and inspiration. And a lot of elk. They seemed to be everywhere - in our camp sites, on the road, in the forest and even in parking lots. We had a very close encounter with a cow and her calf outside a restaurant where we had dinner.
And then there is The Canyon.
Greg and I visited Grand Canyon National Park twelve years ago. I've longed to return ever since. I was not disappointed. It was as spectacular as I remembered. There were people visiting from all over the world. They crowded to the edge and beyond (dare devil types can't be kept behind fences) to see the spectacular site, the evidence of God's hand - His creation. Hearts and minds are touched at the sight. We are so small, the canyon so vast.

We'd been told that the best time to see the canyon was at sunset. I had yet to get there at that time of day, and it was looking doubtful that I'd be able to do it, but my son wasn't going to let me miss out and made sure I got there.
Sunset at the rim is different than during the day. There is a quiet expectation in the air, a reverent hush. No matter what your background or homeland, there is an awareness of something greater than youself. For those who believe, it is the presence of God.

As I stood at the rim, the mightiness of God settled over me. He had created this. He was here in this place. My heart swelled and my eyes pooled with tears. This creation, this gift, at this moment was for me. If I were the only human being on the planet He would have made this for me. His love is great. It is endless. There is no way to measure it. This great inexplicable love reaches out to all mankind. His love is for us all ... If we will only accept it.
Grace and peace to you from God.