In two hours it will be a new year--a time of new beginnings. We might even want to call it a do-over, if we're not happy with the last year. After the ball drops in Times Square I usually spend time thinking on the good and the bad of the year I've just traveled through, and I contemplate on the year to come.
The big question for me this year is, "Where does God want to take me?" And, "Am I willing to go there?" I don't know what will be required of me, but I do know that whatever God has planned is the best. He knows the beginning and the end. He sees it all. I can trust Him.
I've decided that this year will be marked by praise. I will rejoice.
Even during the dark days my future is bright because God is there. He will never forsake me. I am His. And therefore my life is His to do as He wills. And I will do my utmost to trust and to do as He asks.
And so, I begin with prayer.
"Father, may you always be before me. Do not allow me to become distracted by the cares and worries of this world. I pray that my heart and mind will remain focused upon you. I long to know you better, to be fully committed to your calling, to be the kind of person who loves the unlovely. May the fruit of the Holy Spirit flow from my spirit--that I would demonstrate love, joy, peace, patience kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control in all that I do. As this year begins I place my life, once again, in your capable hands. Hands that hold, nurture and discipline. Hands where I can rest. Help me to shine a light upon you. Give me courage. I am weak and afraid, yet I know that with you I have nothing to fear. Thank you for your mercy and your love. There is none other like you.
I encourage you to begin this year with a prayer. Seek The One who offers the only way to real change. And again I say REJOICE!
Grace and peace to you from God.