Nature reminds us of our Creator. Sometimes it's something spectacular like the Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls, but often He reveals Himself to us in the simple things of life--like an egg or a worm. God's creation is everywhere, but we often miss The Creator in what we see as something insignificant. Children give us sight because they see Him. In their eyes the world is new and interesting. They see the wonder of His creation.
Today my granddaughter, Olivia, reminded me of God's wonder. While picking black berries she was thrilled over each plump berry, dropping them into our bowl and eating one every now and then. To her they were more valuable than gold . . . maybe they are.
Along our way, we stopped at the hen house to gather eggs and discovered a tiny egg--the very first one laid by one of our young hens. Olivia was overjoyed at the little hen's accomplishment and thought the small egg was extra special. We congratulated the hen and went on our way to the house.
Before we could wash the berries, Olivia spied what she thought was a small stick, but when she went to pluck it off the berries it moved. She was fascinated by the stick that seemed to be alive. Upon closer examination we discovered it was a tiny worm. When he felt threatened he held completely still and looked just like a stick. I explained that it was his way of hiding so creatures like birds wouldn't eat him.
Olivia was enthralled. We watched him for a few minutes as he moved over the berries. When Olivia put her finger close to him he'd straighten and go into his stick costume. Olivia wanted to show her brothers and her mother and so she set off with her rare find. As she hurried out the door, she talked to the little worm, reassuring him she wasn't a bird.
I enjoyed the berries, the egg and the worm so much more than usual because I saw them through the eyes of a child. They are truly a wonder. We're surrounded by God's amazing creations. There is so much to marvel at. But we've got to look if we want to see. It helps to have the eyes of a child.
Have you seen something recently with fresh eyes?
Grace and peace to you from God.