Monday, June 30, 2014

Quiet Moments With God - Where You Are

Warning - Transparency Alert

I struggle with fear from time to time. Yesterday was one of those days. While watching a program on television I dozed off. I woke up to a scene of a family playing in a water park and my response was not one you'd expect. Instead of enjoying the scene of a happy family, I was struck by a wrenching thought - I will never be able to do anything like that again. 

I was afraid. Were the best of my days behind me? Were my greatest joys and triumphs a part of my past only?

Sorrow swept in. I had expected more from myself, from my body. I'm sixty-two and in today's world that's really not all that old, except that my body feels old. 

The damage began in 1991 when the van I was driving was hit by a log truck (a story for another day). The accident left me disabled and since then I've struggled to remain active. Pain can be a tough adversary. Sometimes I get tired of the battle and don't want to fight any more. 

Most of my physical difficulties stem from the accident, but some of it is purely my fault. I haven't taken good care of this body God calls a temple. And of course age does have some negative qualities that we all live with.

I need to see, to know in my gut that there's more to my life than pain, suffering, tears and fear and to be reminded that God is in the  middle of it. And today when I went to Him, fearful and needy, He was there. He always is. 

He turned a light on His truth. The real truth, which is that the Lord came to set me free, from sin and death but also from things like fear, hopelessness and feelings of worthlessness. He told me to stop listening to the voices in my head and the lies of the enemy. My life is not over until it's over. There is still much to be done. 

And from the midst of my morning devotional reading these words leaped out. "As you follow me, I lead you along paths of newness, ways you have never imagined."

Wow! That sounds exciting. It doesn't sound at all like I've been put out to pasture. 

John 8:31 - 32 says this, "If you abide in My Word you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

My body may not allow me to do everything I want (whose does). But the Lord sets me free to live and serve and to experience new life every day. There is so much joy and peace waiting for me, if only I will set my heart upon Christ and upon the truth of God's Word.

I know that what I'm sharing is not foreign to you. For the Word says "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man." We're all in this together. We all understand what it is to be fearful, or to be angry and to lash out in that anger or put up a shield against our sorrows. We also know a lot about courage, joy and jubilation.

I pray for you - that you will know the joy and peace of the Lord, no matter what circumstances you find yourself. For where you are, there He is also.

Grace and peace to you from God,



  1. Anonymous5:21 PM

    This was a word in due season Bonnie! I pray this finds you well and that God’s grace is upon you too. Thank you.

  2. Anonymous11:38 AM


  3. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Well what a beautiful random yet perfectly timed gift from Pinterest of all places. Your life is still alive- keep living!!

