Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Tips For Triumphant Living--It's Who You Know.

While reading Isaiah 31:1-3 I was profoundly struck by the power God gives to those who believe. It begins with, What sorrow awaits those who look to Egypt for help, trusting their horses, chariots, and charioteers and depending on the strength of human armies instead of looking to the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.

It is who you know that brings victory. My self-reliant personality can sometimes be a stumbling block for me. I want to fix things, to call in the experts, to get ‘it’ done right. God created me with a good mind and organizational skills, and I can usually figure out which expert to call when I need one. All that’s good, but my strengths can sometimes be weaknesses. I too often forget to call first on ‘The One’ who knows all things and can do all things.

Verse three in Isaiah 31 goes on to say, For these Egyptians are mere humans, not God! Their horses are puny flesh, not mighty spirits! When the Lord raises his fist against them, those who help will stumble, and those being helped will fall. They will all fall down and die together.

No expert, no specialist, not even the most spiritually mature person we know is as powerful or as knowledgeable as The King. It’s clearly stated; He strikes down puny flesh. When we stand we will prevail only if our army is God’s army. If we stand in our own strength we will soon discover how frail and worthless our power is.

So, may we be true conquerors, remembering that nothing is too difficult for God. He will deliver us from our foes.

Grace and peace to you from God.


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