Monday, March 04, 2013

Quiet Moments With God -- In the Moment

The past week has been one of challenges--the kind that bring tears and worry and threaten to strip away hope. I've been afraid,  But I've called upon the Lord and I have felt His presence. His Word to me today comes from Proverbs 4:23 which says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."

I close my Bible and hear God say, "Live in the moment." I feel His powerful presence and look out my office window. It is a gentle morning with delicate white clouds drifting against a soft blue backdrop of sky. Aged cedar trees stand tall and strong. They are quiet in the stillness of morning. They live in the moment, without thought of yesterday or fears about tomorrow.

Can I live like that? Can I guard my heart from the world's troubles? Can I stand strong and quiet, knowing that God stands with me? I can . . . at this moment. And all I need to consider today is the moment.

May you have grace and peace in the knowledge and presence of God.



  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    So sorry you have had such a rough week. I have been there too and praise God He is faithful to get get us through those times. I will be praying for you in the days ahead.

    Praying God's love, peace and joy for you.

    Ann Ellison

  2. Ann, life has so many rough places. But I know that each is a place to grow closer to God and to trust more. He will see us through to our final day and then He will carry us off to heaven. He is a great and wonderful God.

    May your days be filled with blessings.

  3. Such a hard thing to do when the moment you're living in might be one of illness or pain or, as you say, fear. But we can cling to the hope that the Lord can work all our fears and sufferings out to His glory and our good.

    I've been there so many times in the past few months, but when I turn and pray, He is so good to lift my spirits and carry me on!

    Many blessings to you, Bonnie!

  4. Yes, April, some of the moments are so extremely painful--emotionally, physically or spiritually, but as you say, "the Lord can work them out to His glory and our good."

    We need to hang onto that. If we do it can make all the difference to us and to others.

    Bless you, my friend.

