Monday, May 29, 2017

It's a Wonderful Life

If you've been following my blog,  you know there have been a lot changes in my life recently. The biggest is that I'm losing my eyesight. That was a shock, and I've been in a quandary - what to do.

When I settled into bed tonight I talked to the Lord and asked Him, "What am I going to do with my life now?" He reminded me of a time when I asked that same question. It was many years ago - 1991. An auto accident left me with injuries that would never heal and chronic pain. Sometimes my pain was debilitating. 

I sank into a depression. I wasn't the person I had been before a log truck barreled around a corner, tipped over and hit my van.

I wasn't the wife or mother I had been. I couldn't take care of my family, they were taking care of me. My body was wounded, but worse than that was my damaged spirit. I asked God what could I do? What kind of life could I have? What use was I?

God lifted me and set me on a new path. He opened doors that led me into the life of an author. I grabbed hold of my feeble courage and stepped through those doors. I spent more than twenty years writing and publishing books. I was a thrilling adventure.

Here I am again asking God to show me what to do, to lead me down an unknown path, and to trust Him. 

A new adventure awaits me. I don't know what it is yet, but I want to share it with you. I will join you here on my blog and let you know what's up with me. And I'd love to hear what's up with you too. 

There is a scene in the movie Secretariat when Penny Chenery Tweedy stands up to people who tell her to sell Secretariat, thinking her foolish to keep the horse. She says, her father's legacy to her is not about money, then says, "You must have the will to win if you can and live with it if you can't. It's about life being ahead of you and you run at it because you never know how far you can go unless you run."

Such powerful words. They inspire me to run the race set out for me because if I don't run how will I know what God set out for me to do. And so I will run (figuratively speaking - I'm a bit gimpy). I will take one step at a time, one day at a time. 

Please cheer me on. I need you. And I will cheer for you too. 

Let's go. We'll do this together.

Grace and peace to you from God,



  1. Beautifully shared, Bonnie. I enjoy your blog and your personal sharing of events, joyful or stressful, in your life. I am praying for "joy in the morning" as you take one step at a time in His love.

    1. Thank you, Marie. Life is full of sorrows and joys. I hope my transparency will be helpful to others.

      Bless you.

  2. Cheering and praying you on!

    1. April thanks. I can't wait for your new book.

      Have a fabulous day!

  3. Bonnie you are such an inspiration. No matter what happens in your life, I know God will use you because HE is the cote of your being. He is so proud of you.

    1. You are a sweetie, Carmin. One day my final day on earth will come and I pray my Father can say, "Well done."

  4. Anonymous10:46 AM

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change-
    Courage to change the things I can.
    And the wisdom to know the difference. Yup. Where's the patience to wait, eh? He did it for you so gloriously last time it sure will be wonderful this time around too!!! Even if you're gimpy! <3 Great post, dear lady! Just hang in there for now tending your garden and loving your peeps as the days keep racing by...

    1. You are such a dear friend Patti, always full of encouragement and wisdom. Hugs to you.

  5. Cheering you on, Bon! One day at a time, dear one. Each day is a gift to be treasured. "Jesus Calling," Feb. 26. You're in my prayers daily. <3

    1. What a beautiful devotion - exactly what I need to hear. I will return to it often.

      Bless you, dear friend,

