Friday, April 15, 2022

What's Good About Friday?


Good Friday is a day to commemorate the death of my Savior, Jesus Christ. It is the day he went willingly to the cross. He was betrayed, beaten and executed. He gave up His life for me ... and for you.

This Good Friday is extra special for me. 

Just five days ago my cell phone rang. It was my son, and he was calling from his car, which had tumbled down a 300-foot cliff. He and my husband were still inside and alive. Paul had already called the EMT's and was waiting for rescue. 

They had gone off the road about a mile from our home. My dear daughter-in-law sprinted down the snow-covered road to help and to be with her husband. My daughter Sarah and I quickly got dressed and drove down the hill to the crash site. 

When I arrived at the scene, and peered off the edge of the road, I was stunned at how badly damaged the car was, which now sat on a flat spot 300 feet below. My husband had just been loaded into an ambulance and my son was still inside the car. A thump of apprehension went off inside me. I'd been praying, but now my prayers became more specific.

Everyone who has seen the wreckage has no good explanation for Greg and Paul's survival --- except for God's love and intervention.

That morning, since getting the phone call, I had been a bit discombobulated, and yet I felt peace in my core. And the only reason for that stillness inside of me was because of The Cross. Because my Lord had gone to The Cross I had no need to fear for my loved ones. Even if they were to perish that day I knew they were well. Because for a believer to be absent from the body means he is present with the Lord.

I don't want to lose my husband or my son and if that had happened I would be deeply grieved. But I would also be comforted by God's promises to me. 

And so on this Good Friday I am so especially deeply grateful for Jesus sacrifice. He made a way. All we have to do is to trust Him. His love covers all of our sin.

If you haven't met Jesus He's waiting for you. He loves you and is holding out His hand to all who will accept His gift of redemption.

My husband and I are humbly celebrating this exceptional day together.

Grace and peace to you from God,




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