Monday, January 04, 2010

Tips For Triumphant Living -- A Little Magic

It's a new year and a lot of us have made New Year's resolutions or simply decided that "this year will be different". However, let's not leap into change willy-nilly. That can get us into trouble or may spell defeat.

Different is not necessarily better. So before we move forward let's take a look at last year. What was good about it? It might help to write out a list of the positive events or aspects of our lives in 2009. Likely you'll be encouraged. Let's not dump the good stuff just because we want change.

The next step would be to look at what we didn't like and need to change. List those as well. Post both your lists somewhere you will see them every day to remind you of your decision and to offer hope for better tomorrows.

I'll bet we have many similar goals. However, whatever it is that we hope to accomplish we've first got to think about how it lines up with God's Word and His will. Is what we want something He wants? To find the answer we need to contemplate on our goals, see what scripture has to say about them and do some praying.

When we're confident we're walking a path God would be happy with, we can be certain it's something we can accomplish. He doesn't ask us to do what cannot be done. And lets not forget that we don't have to rely on our own strength. God's strength is enough.

It's easy to imagine and dream about our aspirations, but doing them is another matter. The doing can be tedious, difficult and often requires diligence and flexibility. It takes place in the day to day grind. And is usually not nearly so grand as we had imagined. But to be good doesn't necessarily mean something must be grand.

I have a lot of changes I'd like to make this year, but today I'll only mention one--my schedule. I'm all over the place with it. I'm a night owl so getting up and getting to work happens in all kinds of ways at all different hours. If I get too few hours sleep I'm not much good during the day. So, first off I've got to get to bed earlier. I'm working on how to make that happen. Once my work day begins, I've got to stay focused. The phone and my email can and must wait. The difficulty in this is that I'm the one who controls me. I must choose--my way or God's way. His is always the best. His Word is clear about being self disciplined.

If I can work more diligently I'll have more free time for fun and maybe even a little exercise. I see myself as The Little Engine That Could -- I think I can, I think I can. I am weak but He is strong. I can do what God asks if I don't give up and if I rely on the One who makes me able.

So no matter what it is that you've decided needs improvement this year, move forward with confidence. Don't listen to that voice in your head that says you can't. What is it that God wants to change in you? Listen to Him, believe and obey and then wait for the magic.

Grace and peace to you from God.



  1. It all sounds good. God Bless you and have a wonderful year...

  2. I think I'm just hoping this year will be more. And praying that I'll trust God more.

  3. Hi Crystal. Thanks so much. And I pray you'll have a great year too.



  4. Sheila, I pray you'll have a terrific year filled with the Lord's blessings.

    Grace and peace,


