Friday, April 08, 2022

Take A Chance


In 1979 Greg and I drove through Douglas County Oregon on our way to visit family in California. In May it was breathtakingly beautiful in Oregon. We returned home to Washington State with Oregon in our heats.

We lived in a new home in a lovely neighborhood, and Greg had a great job. We were not unhappy, but a longing for change grew in our soul. We knew we belonged in Oregon and couldn't see ourselves living any other place.

The country was in a deep recession at that time. And Douglas Couty had an incredibly high unemployment rate. Jobs were not just few and far between, they almost didn't exist. But we were certain Oregon was where we belonged, so we prayed for guidance and made plans for the move.

Our friends and family thought we'd lost our minds, but we were confident and courageous ... and a bit foolish. After all, we were young. 

We decided to make a trip down to search for property but didn't find just the right place so we returned home with our dreams a bit bruised but intact and we still hoped that one day we would become Oregonians. 

Not long after that a property opened up that we were interested in, and we made a deal.

Our home sold quickly, and soon all was in readiness. We headed south with our three-year-old son and newborn baby girl. It was a new beginning.

Forty-two years later I am still enchanted by the beauty of my hometown with it's warm and friendly residents. I can still drive down the highway or step out onto my deck and be captivated at God's handiwork and feel deeply blessed that He has allowed me to live here.

In this place, we've experienced deep joy and wretched sorrow. We've raised our children and have lived alongside our grandchildren. We've celebrated birthdays and heavenly home-goings. We've cheered for local athletes and been impressed by the talented folks in our little town. We've also shared the deep sorrow of a community that felt as if it had lost everything only to discover we were not undone ... that God is with us.

All those years ago, Greg and I could have done the "sensible" thing. We could have stayed put where we were comfortable and "safe". I am so thankful for the young, confident, courageous and yes, a bit foolish, us. I'm glad we didn't allow fear to keep us from stepping out and daring to live a different life, the one God wanted for us. 

Here I am gazing upon the beauty that surrounds me and praying I still possess that same spirit of adventure that helped me to take a risk. I would hate to miss out on whatever God still has in store for me.

How about you? Are you ready to step out? 

Grace and peace to you from God,

Bonnie Leon


  1. I love this, Bonnie. Jim and I have made 3 huge moves in our life, all in God's plan. Yes, He has a plan!

    1. Good for you guys. Life is an adventure. These days I'm not very adventurous, but I'm willing to follow the path God lays down for me.

      God bless you.

  2. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Don't wanna step out AGAIN, but if it were God's plan/will for us, yep, we would! We've moved like 16? times over the years--and have been here going on 10 yr, so pretty much prefer our next and last move will probably be assisted living here in Bend area. But who knows????? We do what we can, how we can, and leave the rest to the Lord. All we can, or want to do.

    1. All He wants are willing hearts. And stepping out can be facing any kind of change or meeting a challenge ... no moving required. :-)

  3. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Bonnie, what an adventurous soul the two of you are. I loved hearing about your courage and perseverance. The fires that destroyed your outbuilding and the tractor and all the contents and your lovely forest was one of those heartbreaks that I witnessed. God is always with us.

    1. Bless you, Barb. We've had good times and we've had hard times ... just as everyone does. So grateful for a loving God.

