These past months, or more accurately years, we've watched our leaders step into office with high ideals and hopes of making the country they love better and then over time, many lose sight of who they had intended to be. They discover if you want to get something done in Washington you have to learn to play the "game", you have to compromise your principles, make deals and sometimes even break laws. And eventually many (too many) lose their way and forget what truth and service is all about.
Today our congress is a mess. It's a place of back-stabbing, deception, power grabbing and self service. I'm disappointed and I fear for my country. And I wonder what happened to the honorable men and women who stepped into office to serve?
Our congressional mess has been nagging at me, and this morning I came across a familiar scripture verse that helped me understand what I can do to help. "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." I read through it and moved along, without giving it a lot of thought. I was pulled up short by the Holy Spirit and went back to reread the verse. "Acknowledge Him" tugged at me. Just how do I do that? I thought on it and prayed on it and this is what I got.
Seek God's will in EVERYTHING. Slow down and listen to Him. Desire His will above all other desires. This isn't easy. We've got to make time for Him, spend time reading and studying His Holy Word. He waits for us, longs to spend time with us. He wants us to lay our hearts and our needs before him. The whole concept of God wanting to spend time with someone like me is hard to comprehend, but it's true. The other side of all this is that we've got to listen and wait for His answers. And when we place ourselves under His authority He will show us the path we're to take. That path will not lead to lies or deception, but to decency and honor.
Who we are is linked with who God is. Our leaders are not excluded. If we're going to get out of the mess we're in, we need more than political and financial experts. We need men and women of God, for God is the only one who knows exactly what we ought to do.
Turn to The One who knows it all.
Be an example. Do the right thing even when it's hard.
Pull our own weight.
Ask, how can I help?
Be honest.
Be kind.
Honor God.
Pray for our leaders. Pray they will know God.
Tough days are ahead, but we're not alone.
Grace and peace to you from God.
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