Make Me a Channel by St. Francis of Assisi:
“Lord, make me a channel of your peace. Where there is hatred let me bring love. Where there is offense, forgiveness. Where there is discord, reconciliation. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is sadness, joy. Where there is darkness, your light.”
When I read this my heart wrenches. Even at my best I cannot reach this ideal. And I'm rarely at my best. I fall far short of God's standard -- Sometimes I want to hate -- Sometimes I stubbornly hold on to offenses -- Sometimes I rail against others -- Sometimes my faith is more like a limp noodle than a strong, straight rod -- Often I struggle to climb out of a pit of despair.
I long to please God, to be a woman of faith, love and hope, filled with joy that overflows to others. I want to be a light to the world. But more importantly I want to be a light to those closest to me. Those who know me at my best and at my worst. What does my family see in me? I pray they will see Christ. I've been told, Mom, we know you're not perfect. But in your weakness God has been faithful. You demonstrate love toward us even even when we're at our worst. We have seen what it is to walk with Christ because you walk with Him. You have loved us. And we love you.
Though I have fallen short in so many ways, God has seen to bless me anyway. And I am forever bonded with my family in love through Christ.

I haven't done it perfectly, but I know The One who is perfect. He upholds me when I am weak and loves me when I don't deserve to be loved. He has forgiven all my sins and thrown them as far as the east is from the west. Because of Him I am a channel of His love and forgiveness.
Only because of Him.
Grace and peace to you from God,
Thanks for being so open and honest. Thanks for reminding us all God is ultimate example of love.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post.
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter!
Nice post. You might like this post about not being perfect. http://caroleschatter.blogspot.co.nz/2012/04/im-worth-it.html
ReplyDeleteLove to you TC, Loree and Carole. And thanks for the link, Carole. I'll check it out. We're definitely not perfect. So thankful God loves anyway.
ReplyDeleteBlessed Easter to you.